Below are some optimized SVGs I’ve made using the official assets provided by the companies.  Feel free to grab the code for your own projects.  Alternatively, checkout the plugin.

[socialmonger size=’7vw’ color=’#f66′ align=center padding=’0 1ex’]

In case you’re not to familiar with SVGs, they are Vector Graphics so they are infinitely Scalable and always look crisp, like an icon font. They can be used in regular fashion <img src='your.svg'> or you can directly inline the SVG code.

Inlining the SVG code is pretty interesting for two reasons:

  • They load instantaneously—they’re part of the HTML as opposed to an separate resource the browser needs to download after seeing it in the HTML
  • You can manipulate fill color, stroke color, size, etc with CSS.

Below is an example of such usage.

.social-icons {display: flex;justify-content: center;line-height: 1;}
.social-icons svg {fill: #fff;width: 2em;height: 2em;margin: 0 1ex;}

<p class="social-icons">
    <a href="">
        <svg title="instagram" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M50 32.5c-9.6 0-17.5 8-17.5 17.5 0 9.6 8 17.5 17.5 17.5 9.6 0 17.5-8 17.5-17.5 0-9.6-8-17.5-17.5-17.5m0 28.8c-6.3 0-11.3-5-11.3-11.3 0-6.3 5-11.3 11.3-11.3 6.3 0 11.3 5 11.3 11.3 0 6.3-5 11.3-11.3 11.3zM72.2 32c0 2-1.8 4-4 4-2.3 0-4-2-4-4s1.7-4.2 4-4.2c2.2 0 4 1.8 4 4M50 22.2c9 0 10.2.2 13.7.3 3.4.2 5.2.7 6.4 1.2 1.6.6 2.8 1.3 4 2.5 1.2 1.2 2 2.4 2.5 4 .5 1 1 3 1.2 6.3 0 3.5.2 4.6.2 13.7 0 9-.2 10.2-.3 13.7-.2 3.4-.7 5.2-1.2 6.3-.6 1.6-1.3 2.8-2.5 4-1.2 1-2.4 2-4 2.5-1 .5-3 1-6.3 1.2-3.5 0-4.6.2-13.7.2-9 0-10.2-.2-13.7-.3-3.4-.2-5.2-.7-6.4-1.2-1.6-.6-2.8-1.3-4-2.5-1-1.2-2-2.4-2.5-4-.5-1-1-3-1.2-6.3 0-3.5-.2-4.6-.2-13.7 0-9 .2-10.2.3-13.7.2-3.4.7-5.2 1.2-6.4.6-1.6 1.4-2.8 2.5-4 1.2-1 2.4-2 4-2.5 1-.5 3-1 6.3-1.2 3.5 0 4.6-.2 13.7-.2m0-6c-9.2 0-10.4 0-14 .2-3.6.2-6 .7-8.3 1.6-2.2 1-4 2-6 4-2 1.8-3 3.7-4 6-.8 2-1.3 4.6-1.5 8.2-.2 3.6-.2 4.8-.2 14s0 10.4.2 14c.2 3.6.7 6 1.6 8.3 1 2.2 2 4 4 6s3.7 3 6 4c2 .8 4.6 1.3 8.2 1.5 3.6.2 4.8.2 14 .2s10.4 0 14-.2c3.6-.2 6-.7 8.3-1.6 2.2-1 4-2 6-4 2-1.8 3-3.7 4-6 .8-2 1.3-4.6 1.5-8.2.2-3.6.2-4.8.2-14s0-10.4-.2-14c-.2-3.6-.7-6-1.6-8.3-1-2.2-2-4-4-6-1.8-2-3.7-3-6-4-2-.8-4.6-1.3-8.2-1.5-3.6-.2-4.8-.2-14-.2z"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="twitter" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M91.6 28.8c-3 1.3-6 2-9 2.5 3-2 5.7-5 7-8.8-3.2 1.8-6.6 3-10.2 4-3-3.2-7-5.2-11.7-5.2-8.7 0-16 7.2-16 16 0 1.2.3 2.4.6 3.6C39 40 27.3 34 19.5 24c-1.4 2.4-2.2 5-2.2 8 0 5.6 2.8 10.4 7 13.3-2.5 0-5-.8-7-2v.2c0 7.7 5.4 14 12.6 15.6-1.4.4-2.8.5-4.2.5-1 0-2 0-3-.2 2 6.3 8 11 14.8 11-5.4 4.3-12.3 6.8-19.7 6.8-1.4 0-2.7 0-4-.2 7 4.5 15.5 7 24.5 7 29.2 0 45.2-24 45.2-45V37c3-2.2 5.8-5 8-8.2"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="facebook" xmlns="" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M80.3 16H19.8c-2 0-3.8 1.7-3.8 3.8v60.4c0 2 1.7 3.8 3.8 3.8h32.5V57.7h-8.8V47.4h8.8v-7.6c0-8.8 5.4-13.5 13.2-13.5 3.8 0 7 .2 8 .4V36H68c-4.3 0-5 2-5 4.8v6.6h10L72 57.7h-9V84h17.5c2 0 3.7-1.7 3.7-3.8V19.8c0-2-1.7-3.7-3.8-3.7"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="pinterest" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M50 11.8c-21 0-38.3 17-38.3 38.2 0 16.2 10 30 24.4 35.6-.3-3-.6-7.7.2-11l4.5-19s-1.2-2.3-1.2-5.6c0-5.4 3-9.3 7-9.3 3.2 0 4.8 2.4 4.8 5.3 0 3.3-2 8.2-3.2 12.8-.8 3.8 2 7 5.8 7 6.8 0 12-7.3 12-17.6 0-9.2-6.6-15.6-16-15.6-10.8 0-17.2 8.2-17.2 16.6 0 3.3 1.2 6.8 2.8 1l-1 4.4c-.2.7-.6.8-1.4.5-4.7-2.3-7.7-9.3-7.7-15 0-12 8.7-23 25.2-23 13.3 0 23.6 9.4 23.6 22 0 13.2-8.3 23.8-19.8 23.8-4 0-7.5-2-8.8-4.4l-2.4 9c-.8 3.4-3.2 7.6-4.7 10 3.6 1.3 7.4 2 11.3 2C71 88 88.3 71 88.3 50 88.3 29 71 11.7 50 11.7"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="youtube" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M87.5 34.7s-.8-5.3-3-7.6c-3-3-6.2-3-7.7-3C66 23 50 23 50 23s-16 0-26.8 1c-1.5 0-4.7 0-7.6 3-2.3 2.4-3 7.7-3 7.7s-1 6.2-1 12.4v6c0 6 1 12.3 1 12.3s.7 5.2 3 7.6c3 3 6.7 2.8 8.4 3 6 .7 26 1 26 1s16 0 26.8-1c1.5 0 4.7 0 7.6-3 2.3-2.5 3-7.7 3-7.7s1-6.2 1-12.4v-6c-.2-6-1-12.3-1-12.3M42.2 60V38.3L63 49.2 42 60z"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="gplus" xmlns="" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M33 45.4v9.8h16.4c-.7 4.2-5 12.4-16.3 12.4-9.6 0-17.6-8-17.6-18s8-18.2 17.7-18.2c5.7 0 9.4 2.4 11.6 4.4l7.7-7.4C47.3 23.7 41 21 33 21 17.4 21 4.6 33.6 4.6 49.4S17.3 78 33 78c16.7 0 27.6-11.5 27.6-27.8 0-2-.2-3.4-.4-4.8h-27zm61.5 0h-8.2v-8.2H78v8.2h-8v8.2h8v8.2h8.3v-8.2h8.2v-8.2z"/></svg>
    <a href="">
        <svg title="linkedin" xmlns="" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M79.5 16.5h-58c-2.8 0-5 2.2-5 5v58c0 2.8 2.2 5 5 5h58c2.7 0 5-2.2 5-5v-58c0-2.8-2.3-5-5-5zm-42.8 58h-10V42h10v32.5zm-5-37c-3.3 0-6-2.6-6-5.8 0-3.2 2.7-5.8 6-5.8 3.2 0 5.8 2.5 5.8 5.7s-2.6 6-6 6zm42.8 37h-10V58.7c0-3.8-.2-8.6-5.4-8.6-5 0-6 4.2-6 8.4v16H43V42h9.7v4.4c1.5-2.5 4.7-5.2 9.6-5.2 10.3 0 12.2 6.7 12.2 15.4v18z"/></svg>

This works well if it’s part of your theme header or footer, but the WordPress editor or media library doesn’t really play nice with SVGs.  So…

WordPress Plugin

I made a simple plugin for adding hyperlinked social icons wherever.  Usage is as simple as:

[[socialmonger size='40px' color='#f66' align=center padding='0 1ex']]

Download at GitHub

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